Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Why is it that i keep forgetting things? Am I really that busy? ( I know the answer to THAT one, at least :)) I can't remember where I left my pen, my water-bottle, the latest book I'm reading, my mobile phone, and generally what I'm supposed to do. Though I manage to stumble upon most of the things I'm lookin for, I always seem to forget what I'm supposed to do. I actually need a timer-alarm to take my medicines on time, endless check-lists to organise my work for the day/next few days to get some work done. Thinkin about what I've got to do and what I've missed keeps me pre-occupied most of the day. Is this the reason I'm labelled absent-minded 'professor'? :/ Not to mention the evil www which keeps me glued to my networking/gaming sites and mailboxes giving credence to the 'absent-minded' part of my make-up as I'm always thinking about the number of people I've iced, Mafia jobs to complete, gold coins, vampires and harvests.

I've not even begun talking about the number of birthdays, anniversaries and other occasions I've missed. From wishing people one day later to a few days to weeks, I've only gone progressively worse and see no change in the trend in the immediate future. The one good thing about this, I have been able to add a lot of variety to the sheepish 'belated birthday wishes' expression. You wouldn't believe how many ways one can do that :P One can also say it in a variety of sing-song voices to spice up the lame 'last but not the least' birthday greeting.

But, how do you differentiate between forgetfulness vis-a-vis a carelessness? Is it just the thin line between forgetting and then being remorseful against forgetting and not giving damn? How much forgetfulness is too much? I, for one, will never know and hope that I can, as always, get away with it :P